1. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and hate speech
2. No advertising
3. Don’t SPAM
4. In global chat write in English only
5. It’s not allowed to pretend to be an admin via side chat, discord or in-game voice
6. The use of Hacks, Glitches or Exploits is not permitted, and will result in temporary or permanent ban
7. All of the resources resulting from Hacks, Glitches or Exploits will be removed from the player
1. It’s forbidden to block roads/bridges
2. Base building in high loot areas it’s not allowed
1. Vehicles in safe zones can’t be parked for more than 1 restart or they can be removed without warning
2. Cars can receive damage, be carefully… in other words, the risk is entirely yours
1. This server is PVE, we want players to enjoy what DayZ has to offer
2. Events announced as PVP
1. Please use the ticket system, available on #support-ticket, or on the website (requires login)
2. When creating a ticket, select the type that you think it better include or define your problem
3. Try to provide the maximum information you can, and evidences to make it easier to understand
4. Private messages to STAFF members most probably will be ignored!
5. Refunds can only be made by presenting evidences. Depending on the situation, the acting admin/supporter decides whether or not if items can be refunded.
6. We will only refund when the player submits a ticket